Website Performance Manual Testing
How to Check the performance of the website during manual testing?
Validate Frameworks
How we validate and create frameworks?
Testing Techniques
Explain these 3 Techniques With An Example? 1) Equqlent Class Partision 2) Cause-Effect Graph Analysis 3) Error Guessing?
Retesting a Defect
Why it is important to thoroughly retest a defect after it has been reported fixed?How will you do that?
Not Reproducable Bug
What do you do if the bug that you found is not accepted by the developers and hence saying it is not reproducable?
Regression Testing Step
There are 100 test cases and you got a bug at 85th test cases.you reported to developers and developers fixed that bug. When you are doing regression testing, from which test case you will do testing? will you start from 85th test case or you will execute 100 test cases?