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  • What is the difference between static and dynamic call?

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    • Member Since Dec-2009 | Dec 15th, 2009

    Static Call

    A call to the subprogram at the time to compilation.
    Static call uses more CPU time, memory required is large.
    Improves performance
    Evertime a change is made in the subprogram, all the impacted programs should be re-link-edited.
    Caller and called are one load module.
    A static call is specified withe a CALL LITERAL, and the program is compiled with COBOL NODYNAM option.

    Dynamjc Call

    A call to the subprogram at the time of exectution (run time) is called Dynamic call.
    Dynamic call uses less CPU time, memory required can be less.
    Degrades performance.
    Seperate load modules and therefore sharable by multiple callers.
    Only one copy.
    Caller and called programs are link edited as seperate load modules.
    A dynamic call is specified using a CALL 'VARIABLE' regradless of the cobol dynam or nodynam option.