Answered Questions

  • Induction Motor Rotation

    How we can change the direction of rotation of Induction motor?


    • Nov 13th, 2017

    What if all 3 phases are interchanged between 3 of them?

    atul sudhakar

    • May 2nd, 2014

    By interchanging the two terminals keeping the third one fixed (fix R terminal and interchange Y and B)

  • Voltmeter Measurement

    If we connect a voltmeter between earth and ground wire, how much it will measure?


    • Nov 9th, 2011

    there is no difference bet earth wire and ground wire, both are same thing. BUT, if U mean earth as soil (i will refer soil as earth), and U disconnected ground wire from soil and put a voltmeter in ...


    • May 16th, 2009

    Since the earth and ground wires are at same potential there will be no potential displayed in the voltmeter,But on the contrary volts?may be displayed between the?NEUTRAL and the ground/earth wire.