What are the roles of glass-box and black-box testing tools?

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  • Jul 26th, 2005

Glass-box is a synonym for white box testing technique.Also called structural testing.As the name suggests it's concerned with testing the internal logic of the application with access to code. 
Whereas in Black box testing U don't have acess to code & U only test the application according to the requirement.In a sense U test it with User's perspective.

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Black-box testing: It is not based on knowledge of internal design or code.Tests are based on requirements and functionality.

Black box testing is used to find the errors in the following

1) Interface errors

2) Performance errors

3) Initialization errors

4) Incorrect or missing functionality

5) Errors while accessing external database

Glass-box testing: It is based on internal design of an application code.Tests are based on path coverage,branch coverage,statement coverage. It is also known as White Box testing.

White box test cases can check for..

1) All independent paths with in a modules are executed atleast once

2) Execute all loops

3) Exercise all logical decisions

4) Exercise internal data structure to ensure their validity

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