Submitted Questions

  • How do find out particular record in partition by using PBK?

    I have 400 records in my in0 file, its 4-way multifile system. How can I find out particular 150th record will goes to which partition using Partition by Key?


    • Nov 26th, 2020

    Hash_value(this_record,key)% no. of output partition = no of output partition for this record


    • Oct 2nd, 2012

    Yes, exactly, we can find out by using hash formula.

  • MAX Core value in abinitio

    what is max core value? wat is the use of max core?

    Ganesh S

    • Jan 24th, 2018

    Graph will not fail if there is enough space in the disk..max_core is an component in memory where this will be utilized when it is allocated else disk memory will be utilized.


    • Dec 29th, 2017

    If we change max-core value zero, does component work or fail?
    Please provide me explanation.

  • Using Partition components

    i having 1000 records in in0 file. i want first 250 records into out0 file, next 250 (250 to 500)records into out1 file, next 250(500 to 750) records into out2 file, last 250(750 to 1000) records into out3 file using partition components?


    • Sep 3rd, 2013

    It can be done by Partition-by-round-robin giving the block-size=250


    • Oct 11th, 2012

    Partition by expression:next_by_sequence = 250