Answered Questions

  • Expense as Asset

    How to determine whether an expense is an asset or not? When you receive an invoice that shows that the company has purchased a tool or something, what makes you think this thing is an asset or it's an expense. Is it the price of it or what?

    vinod kumar reddy

    • Nov 15th, 2018

    The expenses are of two of two types capital expenses revenue expenses The expenses which increases the earning capacity of asset are called capital expenses and it should be added to fixed asset c...

    vijay saxena

    • Nov 8th, 2014

    Expenses who is spend on assets to increase the life of assets that type of expenses called capitalistic expenses and this expenses are reward as more than one year

  • Asset life cycle

    What is Asset life cycle?


    • Aug 8th, 2011

    The FA cycle is -
    1. Procurement
    2. Deployment
    3. Usage / Consumption
    4. Upgradation
    5. Disposal.

    These are the stages of a Fixed asset.