Answered Questions

  • Test Cookies

    How will you test cookies in web testing?


    • Dec 20th, 2009

    TESTING COOKIESIn simple terms, a cookie is information that a web service provider places on a hard drive so it can remember something about its user at a later time.  Several ways to test cooki...


    • Oct 23rd, 2009

    Some Major Test cases for web application cookie testing: The first obvious test case is to test if your application is writing cookies properly on disk. Test cases:  1) As a Cookie privacy pol...

  • Impact Analysis

    What is Impact analysis? As a tester how will you do impact analysis in your project?


    • Nov 12th, 2015

    Analyzing the impact of the changes in the deployed application or product. Regression testing need carefully.


    • Feb 2nd, 2015

    Impact analysis is basically analyzing the impact of the changes in the deployed application or product. It tells us about the parts of the system that may be unintentionally got affected because o...