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  • How do you plan test automation?

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    • Member Since Jan-2009 | Apr 9th, 2010

    Some of the answers are close but missed the entire point of planning.. You should handle test automation as a project. Each project should consist of areas that have been targeted for test automation and then need to be planned out as and other type of project: This of course assumes that you already have in place what makes a test a candidate for test automation and approved by the required resources…as well as defined and have in place your framework and all automation artifact needed to make this this a successful development project. But as a minimum the plan should include:

    1. Introduction
    What is the automation objectives

    2. Scope
    What we are automating

    3. Test Strategy
    The strategy is to automate the scope

    4. Test Schedule
    What is the timeframe for completion? What is the execution schedule?

    5. Functions to Be Tested
    List what we are testing/verifying and how…the flow can go here as well

    6. Resources and Responsibilities
    Who do we need to do this and what parts will they be automating, setting up, etc.

    8. Deliverables
    What will we be turning over once completed? Automated scripts for one.

    9. Dependencies
    What do we need to be in place, setup, etc to do this?

    10. Risks
    What are the risk involved?


    • Apr 9th, 2010

    Some of the answers are close but missed the entire point of planning.. You should handle test automation as a project. Each project should consist of areas that have been targeted for test automation...