Answered Questions

  • Write Test Cases on white paper.(For e.g. A4 size)

    Ankita Vaid

    • Jan 28th, 2020

    1. Check the colour of paper
    2. Verify the dimensions of the paper
    3. Check the quality of the paper
    4. Able to fold the paper.
    5. Ink donot smudge.
    6. Can be punch easily
    7. verify able to paste on it.
    8. Can be properly divided into pieces.

    Virender Rana

    • Jan 8th, 2018

    1. Check the paper size. 2. Check that paper is of good quality. 3. Check that paper color is white. 4. Check that ink does not spread on paper after writing from pen. 5. Check that paper is of we...

  • What are the typical problems in web testing?


    • Sep 18th, 2011

    1. Broken links
    2. Pages don't render properly with some os and browsers
    3. Long time taken for page rendering
    4. Web page design doesnt meet requirements
    5. Feeds dont work properly
    6. Cookies don't work properly
    7. CSS/HTML validation hasn't happened properly
    8. Concurrency issue