Answered Questions

  • Vuser Ramp up

    What is the significance of Vuser Ramp up in loadrunner scenario? we can load the vusers simultaneously or gradually, but what does this signify from application performance testing point of view?


    • Mar 14th, 2014

    If we dont use the vuser Ramp Up means all vusers will run at atime then the server may crashes.Thats why we will majorly prefers simultaneous rampup.we can also identify at which user it failed also.

    • Aug 28th, 2008

    Ramp up mode of doing the performance testing benifits by knowing the application fail at the specific virtual user, which helps the tester to do testing the application below that  failed point for ...

  • When we do correlation and Is it same for all projects?


    • Mar 14th, 2014

    correlation we must do if we are working with web applications.why because if we are working with web applications the server generates an Id which is unique.we need to do correlation to that id becau...

    • Sep 1st, 2008

    We do correlation only when there is session id conflict for the particular transaction and the process followed to do correlation is same for all the projects and it depends on the performance tool which we are using.