Answered Questions

  • Joiner Transformation Master Detail

    Suppose you have 2000 records in one table and 12000 in another which one you will consider as master and detail?

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    • Member Since Jul-2008 | Aug 15th, 2008

    The joiner transformation compares each row of the master source against the detail source. Hence, fewer number of rows in master means fewer iterations of join comparison.

    Secondly It is easier to cache the table with fewer number of rows.

    Hence, using the table having the fewer number of rows as a master improves the performance.

    Raju R

    • Oct 27th, 2015

    @ponnana: The performance of the joiner depends on the rows and not on the columns. Also you take up the condition which consists n number of columns. Based on the condition the rows are obtained. So We need not worry about the columns.


    • Oct 18th, 2015

    The join is happening based on some condition. Therefore match process depends on the condition columns only and not how many columns are present in total. The table you drag into joiner first is considered as Master.