Answered Questions

  • How can I check whether a dataset is empty or not in


    • Mar 11th, 2015

    Check if dataset object is instanciated
    Check uf it contains tables

    Question is not to check whether it has records or not Question is if it is empty

    Checking the row in first table does not help as there can exists more then one table


    • Nov 16th, 2013

    DataSet ds = new DataSet();
    SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(sqlString, sqlConn);

    It is work i sure

  • what is the datarealation in and it's usage


    • Mar 16th, 2006

    DataRelation is an object through which two tables of a Dataset can be related.Ex:In VB declaration is Dim data_relation As New DataRelation("<relation name>", egptDataset.Tables("datatable1").C...


    • Jan 24th, 2006

    DataRelation is a class which is used to maintain a parent-child relationship between two tables in a DataSet.The following example will make more clear to uOpen a Windows Application and place a Data...