Travelling Advance Journal Enteries

What journal enteries will come for the following

Travelling Advance given----- Rs. 10,000
Spent--- 8,000
Returned--- 2,000

Questions by arameshofc   answers by arameshofc

Showing Answers 1 - 2 of 2 Answers

Travelling Advance given----- Rs. 10,000
Spent--- 8,000
Returned--- 2,000

Jrnl 1   At the time of Despatch of Advance:

          Conveyance Advance a/c    Dr   10,000                 
             To Bank/Cash/etc...                              10,000
(conveyance advance balance retained beyond periodical closure has to be shown in the B/S Assets side as Prepaid Expense).

Jrnl 2   At the time of Entering actual expenses/refund:

           Conveyance a/c                  Dr     8,000      (transfer to the expense acct)
           Bank/Cash a/c                    Dr     2,000      (entry for refund)
                To Conveyance Advance a/c               10,000  (balancing the previous debit)

Hope this is clear... Get bac to me if there's something wrong with it!!!


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  • Mar 1st, 2015

A submit the claim for expenses of Rs 1000

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