AMDOCS Questions
Aptitude Questions:-
1. How many times minute hand is faster than hour hand
Ans:- 12 times
2. Age questions.
Like A, B, C are sister...
Age differences are given between them and you are told to find the age
3. Relation questions.( like father-son)
4. All A are B, All C are not B
There are many of such questions.
5. Figurative questions.
Like what will be the next in sequence
In most of the questions a square is given, with some designs inside it.
The designs are either moving clock wise or anticlockwise
One was like a square has 4 white lines and 1 black line in it..than next 3 white ,2 black and so on.
Practice some of such type questions, which will help u in the test.
1. Test Language
A code is given with some spaces in between
U have to fill up the spaces with correct option, so that code would work correctly.
*******************Remember following points *******************
Print n --> for displaying n
read n --> for taking input n from terminal
main() ends with endmain
for ends with endfor
while ends with endwhile.
data types-->
Arithmetic operation between integer and real is always integer.
a = mod(b,10) --> a stores remainder
always integer
a = sqrt(b) --> a store square root of B
always integer
a = sizeof(b[ ]) --> a stores size of array.
a =XXX(b,2,3) ---> copy string b into a starting from 2nd position upto next 3.
xxx = i don't remember this.
for loop is like this
For i=1 to N step 1
Dont forget to revise palindrome, fibonaci programs of C.
This will help a lot.
2. Unix
Easy, basic UNIX COMMAND... read yeswant kanitkar book.. starting 5 chepters..
4-5 questins on general things like on protocols,TELNET ect.
kernel, 1-2 qs on TCP/IP, basic commands ( more on commands)
1. The syntax of command statement in UNIX 10. If the permission for a file is 000,then the file can be accessed by whom?
2. Where we can run two same programs on a UNIX console at the same time?
3. Which is the Shell of UNIX?
4. What is the number of the masked code ee@?
5. If we are terminated at the middle of the program execution in UNIX,what will happen to the program,it will (i) continue running
(ii) terminate
(iii)the o/p will be send to ur mail?
6. what is the command to connecto to remote terminals
7. what is the command to fetch first 10 records in a file
8. unix has the following features
a. multithreading
b. multitasking
c. ..
1. Qeustions were on files
2. Strings
3. What is default length of a variable in cobol.
4. Select statement in file conrol.
5. Comp1, Comp2, Comp3
6. Sort with input/output procedures
4. SQl
1. Joins
2. Union
3. Refrential Intergity
4. Syntax for table defination.
This question is related to AMDOC Interview
Interview Candidate
- May 21st, 2007
- 2
- 81708
Showing Answers 1 - 2 of 2 Answers
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AMDOCS Questions
Aptitude Questions:-
1. How many times minute hand is faster than hour hand
Ans:- 12 times
2. Age questions.
Like A, B, C are sister...
Age differences are given between them and you are told to find the age
3. Relation questions.( like father-son)
4. All A are B, All C are not B
There are many of such questions.
5. Figurative questions.
Like what will be the next in sequence
In most of the questions a square is given, with some designs inside it.
The designs are either moving clock wise or anticlockwise
One was like a square has 4 white lines and 1 black line in it..than next 3 white ,2 black and so on.
Practice some of such type questions, which will help u in the test.
1. Test Language
A code is given with some spaces in between
U have to fill up the spaces with correct option, so that code would work correctly.
*******************Remember following points *******************
Print n --> for displaying n
read n --> for taking input n from terminal
main() ends with endmain
for ends with endfor
while ends with endwhile.
data types-->
Arithmetic operation between integer and real is always integer.
a = mod(b,10) --> a stores remainder
always integer
a = sqrt(b) --> a store square root of B
always integer
a = sizeof(b[ ]) --> a stores size of array.
a =XXX(b,2,3) ---> copy string b into a starting from 2nd position upto next 3.
xxx = i don't remember this.
for loop is like this
For i=1 to N step 1
Dont forget to revise palindrome, fibonaci programs of C.
This will help a lot.
2. Unix
Easy, basic UNIX COMMAND... read yeswant kanitkar book.. starting 5 chepters..
4-5 questins on general things like on protocols,TELNET ect.
kernel, 1-2 qs on TCP/IP, basic commands ( more on commands)
1. The syntax of command statement in UNIX 10. If the permission for a file is 000,then the file can be accessed by whom?
2. Where we can run two same programs on a UNIX console at the same time?
3. Which is the Shell of UNIX?
4. What is the number of the masked code ee@?
5. If we are terminated at the middle of the program execution in UNIX,what will happen to the program,it will (i) continue running
(ii) terminate
(iii)the o/p will be send to ur mail?
6. what is the command to connecto to remote terminals
7. what is the command to fetch first 10 records in a file
8. unix has the following features
a. multithreading
b. multitasking
c. ..
1. Qeustions were on files
2. Strings
3. What is default length of a variable in cobol.
4. Select statement in file conrol.
5. Comp1, Comp2, Comp3
6. Sort with input/output procedures
4. SQl
1. Joins
2. Union
3. Refrential Intergity
4. Syntax for table defination.
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