Why multiple inheritance is removed from Java?

Questions by vmshenoy   answers by vmshenoy

Showing Answers 1 - 9 of 9 Answers


  • Jan 18th, 2007

 if not removed totally .........but why?

We need to take a small example with some classes.


Let's consider this simple example where B and C inherit from A and D inherits from B&c (typical combination of C++'s hierarchical and multiple inheritance). For this discussion let's not consider the hierarchical inheritance. Consider the multiple inheritanace, if the child class D has to get a handle of grandparent, A, then, it can achieve it through two ways viz.,

one of its parent B and through
another parent C

Now, D has a duplicate reference to access its grandparent A, just in order to avoid this chaos.....

Hope you got it

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  • Mar 24th, 2007

Multiple Inheritance is not removed, it is implemented by means of Interfaces in Java

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  • Apr 7th, 2010

Multiple inheritence is not removed from Java, it is complex while accesing the methods.  Inheriting the sub class from two or more super class is called multiple inheritence.  If both the super class have some methods and object is created for sub class so, with the help of that object we can access the methods in the super class here the confusion is which super class methods are going to be accessed. Because of this, Java dose not support multiple inheritecnce but it is possible through interfaces.

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