What is the difference between cmm level 5 company and cmmi

Questions by rajsekhar

Showing Answers 1 - 1 of 1 Answers


  • Sep 27th, 2006

The CMMI contains 25 process areas):

* CMMI Causal Analysis and Resolution
* CMMI Configuration Management
* CMMI Decision Analysis and Resolution
* CMMI Integrated Project Management
* CMMI Integrated Supplier Management
* CMMI Integrated Teaming
* CMMI Measurement and Analysis
* CMMI Organizational Environment for Integration
* CMMI Organizational Innovation and Deployment
* CMMI Organizational Process Definition
* CMMI Organizational Process Focus
* CMMI Organizational Process Performance
* CMMI Organizational Training
* CMMI Product Integration
* CMMI Project Monitoring and Control
* CMMI Project Planning
* CMMI Process and Product Quality Assurance
* CMMI Quantitative Project Management
* CMMI Requirements Development
* CMMI Requirements Management
* CMMI Risk Management
* CMMI Supplier Agreement Management
* CMMI Technical Solution
* CMMI Validation
* CMMI Verification

CMM: Developed by the SEI. It's a model of 5 levels of organizational
'maturity' that determine effectiveness in delivering quality software.
The model identifies five levels of process maturity for an organisation:
1. Initial (chaotic, ad hoc, heroic) the starting point for use of a new
2. Repeatable (project management, process discipline) the process is used
3. Defined (institutionalized) the process is defined/confirmed as a standard
business process.
4. Managed (quantified) process management and measurement takes place.
5. Optimising (process improvement) process management includes deliberate
process optimization/improvement.

Within each of these maturity levels are KPAs (Key Process Areas) which
characterise that level, and for each KPA there are five definitions identified:

1. Goals
2. Commitment
3. Ability
4. Measurement
5. Verification

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