When an output file from Mainframes has compressed fields, how do you uncompress them and save the file as a text?

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  • Jul 7th, 2006

Objective: Converting a file with compress fields for another file with un

packed information, for a final FTP transfer to Windows environment.

First is presented the file with the compress information  and following a explanation of the steps needed to convertion.

1) Compress File


2) Uncompress File on File Aid


3) Uncompress File on final result



2) Explanation to uncompress the file   (step by step).

1 - From screen of the File Aid (ISPF Primary Option Menu: Z.16.1  or  TSO @FAMENU)

2 - Choose the option  9: REFORMAT

3 - Choose: Process on-line or batch ==> O  and  D on the field of the option.

4 ? The trick is the information from the 2 copybooks. They must have the same fields, but the fields that second copybook have not compress fields, all fields are in edit format. If you prefer that the uncompress file have spaces between the fields, define "Filler" fields in output copybook.


5 - If the copybooks are well formated, the correspondency is made automaticaly. Enter the comand "ex".


Note: The field "M-CHEQ-EMID-SWIF" on the input copybook is compress, and on the output copybook is a display numeric. Between each field of output copybook is a filler (spaces) for better visualization of the fields of the output file.

6 - Choose the input file and the correspond uncompress output file. The output file must have been allocated with record lenght of the uncompress copybook. Press Enter.


and  Voil? the uncompress file is ready to FTP transfer for Windows environment.


Best Regards; 


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  • Aug 1st, 2006

hi all,

i am able to get a file in mainframe of rec len 80 as an attachment to my inbox ,but the same if i try to do with a file of rec len 1092 its giving max cc 0 but not transfering the file ,could u please suggest me something

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