What is difference between EAI and EMI? Where does xml comes into picture in EAI? What are third party EAI tools?

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  • Jun 29th, 2006

1. EAI deals with exchanging data among the different Enterprise Applications. It is devided into two parts.

a. Batch Integration:(EIM) Data will be sent another system on a bulk basis. This is done periodically.

b. Realtime Integration: Data will be sent to other system whenever there is a change in data of one system. Data is immediately sent. The amount of transfered data is less.

2. XML come in to the picture when a Legacy system has to send data to another Legacy system. And the format of both systems data is different. XML is W3C standard tool. which has to be followed by all to generalize the message sending formats. That is why XML is being used between heterogeneous applications.

3. Third Party EAI Tools.

a. IBM MQ Sieries


c. XML


e. Seebeyond

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  • Oct 12th, 2006

EIM is used to import the bulk data.

EAI is used to send data from one application to another application through Inbound and Out bound.

XML comes into picture when u do the EAI task.XML is used to Map Data or to Transform Data from External Application to Siebel Application.

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