Submitted Questions

  • Extracting from Rows

    To further this, it is probably simple, but : TABLENAME(Column) CLOB(Column) HEADER(first row) PROVIDER12082015 MISCROWS IN BETWEEN TRAILER(last row) 00000000669 If I have three columns created in the transformer (HeadName, HeadDate, RecCount), how would I put this in the derivations? HeadName is supposed to be equal to PROVIDER HeadDate is supposed to be equal to 12082015 RecCount is supposed...

  • Add a Sequence Number for a Table/Row

    I have a file structure that I need to add things to and it is as follows: TABLENAME PROV_TB ADDR_TB ADDR_TB AFFL_TB TAX_TB ETAX_TB EPAY_TB PROV_TB I need to know how to create a sequence number the tables in between the PROV_TB. The PROV_TB has been assigned a number I created (153365000 is the 1st, 153365001 is the second) and now I need to add a sequence number for each table. So ADDR_TB...


    • Mar 31st, 2016

    Venkat@ How you will get seq 1 with algorithm for 2 partitions and seq 1,2 for 3 partitions
    can you please explain...?


    • Mar 28th, 2016

    Syntax is:

  • Convert and Ereplace Every Double Dash

    I have heard of both Convert and Ereplace but I am stumped. I need to take every double dash (--) from my files and convert them to a single hyphen (-). What would be the best way to do this?


    • Dec 11th, 2015

    Based on your need ereplace or change function will be better choice. Convert will treat (--) as 2 different characters.

  • Increasing A Number

    I would like to know if you could help me out. I have a a file with 2 columns (TABLENAME and CLOB) and in the TABLENAME there are "Providers". I would like to know how to set them at number 5000 and then increment them, per provider. So if I have 5 providers per file, it would be 5000, 5001, 5002, 5003, 5004. This is a daily file so we will get a file everyday. So Day 2, the 1st provider must be 5005...


    • Dec 11th, 2015

    From your question it appears that you want to generate a surrogate key with 5000 as seed value. This can be done through surrogate key generator using state file property and increment by 1. Set generate from last highest value also

  • Filter Out Errors

    I am getting a file in and I want to be sure that it has specific traits. The first record must say HEADER, the second record must say PROVIDER, the last record must say TRAILER, Record Count must equal TRAILER count (HEADER - TRAILER = Record Count; TRAILER COLUMN has number of Records)

  • Validation and Row Counts

    I need help validating rows. 1st. I have a sequential file that has 139 rows, 2 columns (TABLENAME, CLOB). Of those rows, two (in TABLENAME column) are named "HEADER" and "TRAILER". I do not want these in my output. How do I keep the 137 rows and cut off the HEADER & TRAILER. 2nd. In the TRAILER row (TABLENAME column), there is a number that reads 00000000137 (in the CLOB column), which is the 137...

    Mahesh R

    • Nov 18th, 2015

    You can use constraints facility in transformer stage, to cut-off rows with HEADER and TRAILER. If you mention the column name with IN condition the rows will get dropped off.


    • Nov 17th, 2015

    One thing is not clear from you question i.e. the record count will be written on 138th record I think. As part of sequential stage ignore the 1st line as header. Use a shell script to get the record ...