Submitted Questions

  • Load 1 crore records into 3 different targets having 25 L records in each?

    I have 1 crore record in my table and I have to load 25 Lakh in 1st target, 25L in 2nd target and 25L in 3rd target? How to load 1 crore records into 3 different targets having 25 L records in each?


    • Jun 22nd, 2016

    (SQ + Seq Gen) ---> Exp ---> sorter ----> router (having four groups for seq gen port) ---> four targets


    • Jun 13th, 2016

    Pass Source qualifier to Expression Expression Condition Variable port(V_COUNT) - IIF(V_COUNT < = 75000,1,V_COUNT+1) O/P (Port segregation) - decode(true, V_COUNT < = 25000,1 ...

  • Flat File as Source in Informatica

    How can we receive source as flat file in informatica, from where we get this flat file?


    • Jun 18th, 2017

    We get flatfile from source to target, which is in file format like MS-Word, etc


    • Jun 22nd, 2016

    To explain it clearly we have to know the concept of using FTP. Consider a banking project, the product owner gives all data to production team and not to developer, the 3rd party team gives another d...

  • Load 10000 Records into Dynamically Created 100 Files

    How to load 10000 records into dynamically created 100 files and to load 100 records in each?


    • Sep 12th, 2015

    This can be done using TC transformation. In an expression before the TC, keep a counter which increments for each row passed. When the counter reaches 100, reset the counter to 0. In the expression...