Submitted Questions

  • What is the difference between ARRAY and STACK?


    • Oct 21st, 2017

    Main difference is in access. With stack we can not access values randomly but with array we can access any item any time.

    Chandan Kumar Sahu

    • Mar 1st, 2017

    In an array, you have a list of elements and you can access any of them at any time. (Think of a bunch of wooden blocks all laid out in a row.) But in a stack, theres no random-access operation; th...

  • What is the main use of FOREIGN KEY?

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    Answered by: MANAS KUMAR ROUT ( USA ) (TCS) (Eli LILLY ) - PFIZ

    • Jul 6th, 2007

    Hey Ramesh,

    I understand your interviewer's enthusiasm to know about the Foreign Key.? See foreign key definitions says its states the relationship of one attribute(Column) of one table to the corresponding column on the other table.

    So one os a parent and other is child. PARENT is that table which holds the primary key and CHILD is table which holds the referential key. Hence every entry in the PRIMARY table is unique where as same entry might be repeating in the child table. BUT that same has to be present in the PARENT table (Primary KEY).

    Now Going by definition Foreign key can be of two types :

    On delete set null :
    When a foreign key is created by on delete set null definition then when you delete one row from the primary?column (of parent table ) , then the corresponding entry in the foreign key table (Child table ) have the value "NULL" for that particular column.

    ON Delete Set Cascade:
    When the foreign key is created by this definition then when you delete the primary column (any one row -unique data) , then the Child table forcefully deletes all the rows in the child table having same value for that particular column.

    I hope u got the crux of the Foreign key
    Manas Kumar Rout
    SAS Consultant
    Oracle Certified Associate
    Unix Consultant

    shweta dhumal

    • Sep 8th, 2011

    foreign key is primary key of other table. for example: 'STUDENT' is one table which stores information about students and 'SID' is primary key in that table and 'MARKS' is another table which stor...

    shweta dhumal

    • Sep 8th, 2011

    The purpose of the foreign key is to ensure referential integrity of the data. In other words, only values that are supposed to appear in the database are permitted. For example, say we have two tab...