Submitted Questions

  • Create a Perl script

    Hello,------------------------------------------- id name address 1 cristine New York 2 murray Redmond 3 kumar Sunnyvale-------------------------------------------This is 'sample.xlsx' file. (Can't attach the image.)'id' string in A1, 'name' in B1, 'address' in C1 column in excel file.Create a Perl script to store the information about...


    • Aug 10th, 2011

    Keep the student id as key to a hash and the rest of the elements are the array reference.

  • Create a Perl script to store the information in Excel

    Hello,--------------------------------------id name address1 cristine New York 2 murray Redmond3 kumar Sunnyvale --------------------------------------This is 'samples.xlsx' file.'id' string in A1, 'name' in B1, 'address' in C1 column in excel file.Create a Perl script to store the information about employee using the header as in raw 1. The Perl...


    • Aug 10th, 2011

    You can construct one hash where the the emp id as key to the hash and rest of the elements as values in the structure of array ref. "perl #! use strict; use Spreadsheet::ParseExce...