Interface table and EIM table
What is the difference between Interface table and EIM table
Component of server task
Component of Server Task, Choose Threea. Remote Serverb. Transaction Processc. Transaction Routerd. Transaction Merger
What happens when no View of a Screen is assigned
What happens when no View of a Screen is assigned: Choose Twoa. Site Map is not visibleb. Screen is present with empty viewc. Screen is not visible
Identify Foreign Key
The Row ID 1-ABC of table S_PROD_INT references the column in table S_ASSET of column PROD. The row ID of the relevant record in S_ASSET is 1-XYZ. What is the foreign key in S_ASSET table.a. S_PROD_INTb. 1-ABCc. 1-XYZ
Siebel Dropdown
What does Drop down signifya. Subset of datab. Screenc. Paged. View
Siebel Data layer
Logical extension of S_ORG_EXT is stored in which of the following tablea. S_PARTYb. S_BUc. S_ORG_INT