Answered Questions

  • Patient and doctor

    A patient has fever and cold, goes to a doctor. doctor gives him 2 tablets for fever from one bottle and 2 tablets for cold from another bottle, and put it inside one cover, and ask him to take one tablet of fever and cold in the morning and one tablet of fever and cold in the night. after going home the patient realize that all tablets look alike, with same color, same size, same shape, similar taste.......

    Abdul Nasir Sayyed

    • Jun 9th, 2017

    Split each of the pills in two equal halves, and put the two halves in two different storage media, taking care not to mix them. Now take all the halves from one storage medium in the morning and those from the other medium in the evening. This will ensure the patient takes the correct dosage.


    • Apr 7th, 2016

    Cut all tablets into equal halves and take 4 halves in the morning and 4 halves in the night. This way you will get the intended dose.