Answered Questions

  • Why is that the final variable has to be initialized as soon as it is declare?

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    • Member Since Oct-2007 | Aug 1st, 2008

    when a variable is declared as final we cant change its value again. we use final variable to declare a constant so when we declare a variable as final and if we were allowed to not to give its value at the time of declaration it would not make sense so people who designed java made mandatory to give the value when we declare a final variable. then only it will be sensible.
    final PI=3.14;
    then we cant change PI's value. think if the above statement do not contain a vl it would not make sense.

    Rohit Verma

    • Jul 10th, 2012

    Like any variable, a final variable can also be first declared and then assigned a value. But it can be only assigned a value once and only once ( as its final variable ). for example :- final Strin...