Answered Questions

  • Inter Thread Communication

    What are all the methods used for Inter Thread communication and what is the class in which these methods are defined?

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    • Member Since Nov-2008 | Dec 15th, 2008

    There are three ways in which Threads communicate with each other :

    wait: It tells the calling thread to give up the monitor until some other thread enters the same monitor an calls Notify or Notifyall...

    notify: It wakes up the first thread that called Wait() on the same object...

    NotifyAll: It allows all the threads that called Wait() on the same object.The thread having the highest priority will run first...


    • Nov 5th, 2011

    Why we use 'wait()' inside a synchronized method


    • Nov 21st, 2009

    Three methods are used. They are1. wait() - makes one thread wait for some time till another thread is being executed2. notify() - makes one wait process into ready state process3. notifyall() - makes all the waiting processes into ready state processes

  • Object Creation

    In how many ways we can create an object? Explain with example.

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    • Member Since Feb-2009 | Feb 13th, 2009

    1. Using new keyword
    This is the most common way to create an object in java. I read somewhere that almost 99% of objects are created in this way.

    MyObject object = new MyObject();

    2. Using Class.forName()
    If we know the name of the class & if it has a public default constructor we can create an object in this way.

    MyObject object = (MyObject) Class.forName("subin.rnd.MyObject").newInstance();

    3. Using clone()
    The clone() can be used to create a copy of an existing object.

    MyObject anotherObject = new MyObject();
    MyObject object = anotherObject.clone();

    4. Using object deserialization
    Object deserialization is nothing but creating an object from its serialized form.

    ObjectInputStream inStream = new ObjectInputStream(anInputStream );
    MyObject object = (MyObject) inStream.readObject();

    5. Using class loader
    one more is through creation of object using classloader like


    Now you know how to create an object. But its advised to create objects only when it is necessary to do so.


    • Sep 7th, 2011

    All sorts of syntax sugar can also be named: 6. New String as a result of concatenation: String varName = getClass().getName(); //to avoid compile-time optimization String a = "Prefix" + varName; ...