Answered Questions

  • what is the batch job and online job?

    Explain the difference between batch and online job

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    • Member Since Nov-2008 | Nov 8th, 2008

    A batch job is a stand alone job (no human interaction) that is kicked off by a utility job(usaually at night)  and runs data in bulk streams, such as updating 1 million rows to a database nightly, online job is real time, such as a user updating their address via  an interface screen and it being applied to the database as soon as they have confirmed it.


    • Sep 7th, 2017

    Batch job is a normal job where no human interference is done, but in online job human interference is required. For ex bank transaction, it needs the input or replay should be given by user.


    • Aug 24th, 2016

    It is possible to execute a CICS program from a job batch where the batch program must be compiled with EXCI parameter. In this case the batch program is able to perform a command level CALL, then a existing CICS program is invoked, after executed, the control returns to batch program.