Answered Questions

  • Difference between static page and dynamic page?

    Static PagesQuick and easy to put together, even by someone who doesn't have much experience. Ideal for demonstrating how a site will look. Cache friendly, one copy can be shown to many people. Dynamic PagesOffers highly personalized and customised visitor options. Database access improves the personalized experience (as opposed to using just client side cookies) Scripts can read in data sources and...

    vishnu sharma

    • Mar 19th, 2018

    Static - You add a control inside ASPX at compile time.

    Dynamic - You render a control from code behind at run time. It is not easy especially if you are new to Web Form.

    Dilip Voruganti

    • Mar 13th, 2012

    Static Websites A static site is a website that is written entirely using HTML. Each web page is a separate document and there are no databases or external files that are drawn upon. This means that...