Answered Questions

  • what is explain in teradata?

    what is explain and how does it work?

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    • Member Since Jan-2010 | Apr 15th, 2011

    The EXPLAIN modifier preceding an SQL statement generates an
    English translation of the optimizer’s plan. It is fully parsed and
    optimized, but not executed.
    EXPLAIN returns:
    Text showing how a statement will be processed (a plan).
    An estimate of how many rows will be involved.
    A relative cost of the request (in units of time).
    This information is useful for:
    • Predicting row counts.
    • Predicting performance.
    • Testing queries before production.
    • Analyzing various approaches to a problem.
    EXPLAIN may also be accessed using Teradata Visual Explain.


    • Jun 22nd, 2011

    1. English version on optimizer plan2. to identify the objects used and kind of locks applied on those objects3. to identify the number of amp operation eg. single ot group amp4. to identify the data ...

  • Teradata performance tuning and optimization

    what is an optimization and performance tuning and how does it really work in practical projects. can i get any example to better understand.


    • May 22nd, 2013

    Performance tuning:
    1. Look at the plan generated by PE.
    2. Check for the recommendations of stats to be collected for the columns.
    3. Try to avoid product joins and unnecessary joins.
    4. Try to avoid casting in join conditions
    5. Use secondary index appropriately.
    6. Use join index if necessary.