What r the methods for creating reusable transforamtions?

Two methods
1.Design it in the transformation developer.
2.Promote a standard transformation from the mapping designer.After U add a transformation to the mapping , U can promote it to the status of reusable transformation.
Once U promote a standard transformation to reusable status,U can demote it to a standard transformation at any time.
If u change the properties of a reusable transformation in mapping,U can revert it to the original reusable transformation properties by clicking the revert button.

Showing Answers 1 - 2 of 2 Answers

Praveen Vasudev

  • Sep 12th, 2005


Answer: Two methods
1.Design it in the transformation developer. by default its a reusable transform.
2.Promote a standard transformation from the mapping designer.After U add a transformation to the mapping , U can promote it to the status of reusable transformation.
Once U promote a standard transformation to reusable status,U CANNOT demote it to a standard transformation at any time.
If u change the properties of a reusable transformation in mapping,U can revert it to the original reusable transformation properties by clicking the revert button.

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