Can any one give me brief explanation about internal tables, and workarea ?

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  • Jun 16th, 2006

it is the intermediate table between database and driverprogram.

using this we can avoid the accidental loss of data

using workarea

only we can retrive the data and inserting the data into internal table.

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  • Jul 14th, 2006

Internal table is nothing but the copy of the existing table , where you can modfy or insert ...etc what ever the R&D you want you can do , bcoz you can not do any direct operations to the existed table in the database. We can say that internal table is a runtime object which stroes the data in runtime, which is in application server.

Work area is nothing but a structure for a table which holds one record in run time after that we need to append in to internal table one by one.


  • Jul 19th, 2006

Internal Tables are just temporary objects stored in the program, n its main pupose is to extract data from database tables. It doesnt mean that u can do direct operations on database table from program,but thru int.tables we can minimize the access n utilization of database(as we extract them to program n perform operations directly)..Minimizing the utilization of database,can improve the efficiency,which is the primary goal of a programmer....They r just can be told as copies to database tables...Workarea is nothing but a flat structure with the same definition as just stores one row at a time..In a nutchell,its an explicit area where all the operations on can be performed...Ofcourse without workares,one can perform operations thru headerline(which is assingned by SAP itself).....

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*An internal table is a run time instance.  It get created when program starts execution.

*It get destroyed when program terminates. it has two different parts.  HeaderLine(optional) & Body(Compulsory).

*Any value that comes to or goes from interanal table , that travels through headerline.

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  • Sep 24th, 2006

first i would like tell what is the purpose of internal table.

by using select & end select staments in abap prograing it form a loop that to it connect with database by way of doing like this other user suffer by connection with database since database connect with some other using select & end select statments  performance wise is internal tables r used to avoid above problems.

internal table is an intermediate table. this table memory allocate at run time only.while defining an internal table in u r programing if u use begin of statment header line by default it created.if at u r not using then u r explicitly created an work area.note that fields of internal table and work area must be same.for performance wise it is better to use work area rather than header line.

by considering the functionality both header line and work area do the same header line or wa u can only manipulate the data in internal table.

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