What are the seviority levels?

1. Fatal error:(e.g. : Suppose u will open a IE Browser then browser cannot be opened, The page cannot be displayed), it is also called as Show Stopper Errors or 500 Internal servers problem.2. Major error:(On the above example, the page can be opened, but the contents cannot be displayed)3. Minor error: Cosmetic errors such as spell check, alignment problem, and etc...4. Sugession: At Last How the tester can contact to the devloper in a polite way.

Showing Answers 1 - 8 of 8 Answers


  • Nov 30th, 2005

Severity:How bad the bug is and its influence on the software and the customer also called showstopper.

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  • Dec 28th, 2005

sevirity tells wt as actual impact of that perticular bug to the module.levels can be high ,medium, low..example for high sevirity is if a bug leads to frequent crash of an application..example for medium sevirity is if a bug does not allow u to open next screen of that application...example for low sevirity is if there are missing of some gui objects(push buttons....) 

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  • Jan 17th, 2006

ok i agree with u.

i want to know one thing

 is it possible high seviority & low priority?

if possible how give example?

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  • Jan 24th, 2006

If you have high seviority bugs many, then you or your manager will decide among them which one should be given high priority.

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l.ravi kumar

  • Mar 2nd, 2006

example for high severioty and priority:

if you take an example of a module whose name (companies information) is being replaced by companiee informatition, then the severiority will be high ,but the priority will be low

     this is an example  i am trying to give the answer infavour of one of my friend asked the question,if anything wrong ,let me know

with regards

L.Ravi kumar

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Jim Hancock

  • Mar 19th, 2006

Severity is about how bad it will crash. This is generally set by the tester.Risk is the level of severity times the likelyhood of the bug happening.Priority is about how soon we want it fixed. Often set by the PM.Hi Severity / Low Priority - Bug crashes the browser, but it is an area of a website (for example) that users rarely visit (say 1 in a million). Maybe it is a very nasty bug that shows up on Feb 29th every 4 years ...and you have 3 years to fix it. Note that these are both fairly low risk.Low Severity / Hi Priorty - CEOs name is misspelled on the home page, or maybe a graphic on the homepage renders upside down.

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  • Jul 10th, 2006

No, According to me Seveority gives based on Functionality and Priority gives based on Customer I think severity means which affects our functionality for eg: Spelling mistake it does not affect our functionality so I can continue my testing so we can give low Severity but incase of Customer it is very important so we will give high priority.

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