Write bug report for the following problem in a spread sheet application that does data sorting in both ascending and descending way. Problem is that descending sorting is not working for a particular column 99
Question asked by visitor Ravi
Write bug report for the following problem in a spread sheet application that does data sorting in both ascending and descending way. Problem is that descending sorting is not working for a particular column 99
Question asked by visitor Ravi
If there is problem in column 99, then this is not only sufficient to describe bug.You know why, because it will not clarify the problem to developers.
Tester have to write what happen if he see it for column 11,22,33,..99 then for 999,9999 etc, doesn't matter, it behave as expected or unexpected but action results are required for better bug fix.Then only the report for this particular bug can be complete.
Brijesh Jain
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