Junior Member
Is there any limit to number of columns in excel file, when reading it from script?
Please help,I am not facing this issue.
When i use a
i am not able to read the table's column after column 'BK'.
is there any limit on the columns that this method can read from an excel sheet??
Expert Member
Re: Is there any limit to number of columns in excel file, when reading it from scrip
Hi Sandeep,
There is no limit as such to the number of columns that can be read. Do you get any error message on executing dddt_get_parameters.
Also ensure that after BK there is no blank column in the Excel file.
Incase there is a limit, WR should return a error code either stating "E_MAX_COLUMNS_EXCEEDED" error number -10045 or "E_NOT_PARAMETER".
do let me know about the details....
Junior Member
Re: Is there any limit to number of columns in excel file, when reading it from scrip
thanks for the reply,
Here is my full code.
public function Read_From_File(in dTable,in rowStart,in rowEnd)
#Section : Variables Declaration
auto sParamList; #string-Stores the list of parameters in the datatable
auto sKeyWord; #string-hold the keyword after the substring operation.
auto nParamNumber; #numeric- To hold the number of parameters in the data table
auto aFields[]; #array-To hold the fields and the keywords defined as parameters in the datatable
auto sData; #String that holds the string retreived from the data table
auto table_RowCount;
auto enum;
rc = ddt_open(dTable, DDT_MODE_READ);
split(sParamList,aFields," "); # the separator is a tab
for(table_Row=1; table_Row <= table_RowCount ; table_Row ++)
report_msg("Checking Row With Row.No: " & table_Row);
for(enum = 2; enum <= nParamNumber; enum++)#reading only from column 2.
sKeyWord = substr(aFields[enum],1,7);#getting the the current column header.
sData=ddt_val(dTable,aFields[enum]);#getting the value of the cell of current row and column.
switch(sKeyWord)#depending on header, ill perform some actions.
case "BtnPrss":
case "evalfnc":
.....Many more cases.
I am calling this function from main script like this.
and in sheet1,
i am calling the same function again in the header evalfnc,
like,cell value = Read_From_File("C:\myFolder\sheet2",10,15); in sheet 2.
Here i am facing this problem,
I can read all the column headers from sheet1,(no limit.)
but inside sheet2,i can read only till column 'BK'.
I am not able to figure out why i am not able to read the headers after the column.
Does it have anything to do with calling the same function within the function??
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