Can anybody tell me How do we calculate BVA & ECP for Address bar/Navigational bar?
Can anybody tell me How do we calculate BVA & ECP for Address bar/Navigational bar?
i am not clear about the term "BVA & ECP". Can you tell me what is this?
Bva : boundary value analasys
it is measured by using minimum and maximum values ecp : equalance class partition
it is measured by using valid data and invalid data
Dear bharathi,
Why uor are asking for it?
Are you testing and browser software?
If not, then you need not to worry about it.
If yes, Then I want to tell you that generally there is no limit on navigational bar, URL can be of any length, until it cross the maximum limit, but can't post it like a bug.
Brijesh Jain
Connect with me on Skype: jainbrijesh
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