What are the steps to start Testing? Plz explain in detail.
What are the steps to start Testing? Plz explain in detail.
Testing is done at each & every stage means ( starting from requirements to host application at customer site)
Generally in STLC model
the steps we are following to start testing the application
1. recieve build from develpment team
2. reviewed testcases design document
3. Requirements of the customer
4. any related documents to perform testing (suppose if we want to test the database testing we need to know information on tablenames and info related to database and it is given by database administrator / who are developed the particular database)
Then we can start testing and performing testing techniques (functionality testing, navigational testing, input domain testing , etc.....)which are needed to do test the application with the help of above mentioned info.
plz correct me if i made wrong
Last edited by bharathi_ark; 05-31-2007 at 02:51 AM.
Good informative text from bharathi.
Lack of WILL POWER has caused more failure than
Testing is begining in early stage onwards. The life cycle of testing is 1) reviews during analysis --- this is done by business analyst 2) reviews during design --- this is done by designer or tech. Support 3) unit testing is mainly done by developer in coding time 4) integration testing is also done by developer 5) functional system testing is done by test engineer 6) user acceptance testing is done in customer site people 7) port testing is done mainly in product release time 8) test s/w changes is mainly in maintanance time but testing job will be start from functional and system testing onwards. After completion of modules integration, development team released a s/w build copy to testing team. Teasting team conduct f()'al n system testing on that build through a set of blackbox testing.this having a) usability testing --user interface testing --- manual support testing b) functional testing --- f()'al testing -- behavioural coverages,error handling coverages,i/p domain coverage,calculations coverage,backend coverage,service levels coverage. ---input domain testing ---boundary value analysis (bva) --- equivalence class partitions(ecp) --- recovery testing ---compatability testing -- configuration testing ---intersystems testing --- installation testing ---- sanitation testing --- parallel testing c) performance testing ---load, stress,storage n datavolume testing d) security testing ---authorization,access-control,encryption or decryption testing usability concentrate on user friendliness of the application or gui functional concentrate on meet customer requirement or reviews performance concentrate on speed of processing security concentrate on privacy to user operation byee, have a nice day manasa
Before doing testing we need to follow these steps:-
1)Get requirements.
2)Build test bed.
3)Get all required software tools.
4)Divide work b/w team members.
5)Finally start testing.
Brijesh Jain
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