how to write test case for date format mm/dd/yyyy? What are the attributes should be considered here?
how to write test case for date format mm/dd/yyyy? What are the attributes should be considered here?
Following test cases can be considered for validating the date format mm/dd/yyyy. You have consider all the three attributes Viz., Date, month and the Year
Positive Scnarios:
1. Validate the month field accepts only up 12
2. Validate the date field for the maximum of 31
3. Validate whether for the month of Jan, Mar, May, Jul, Aug, Oct, and Dec the system accepts till 31 date
4. Validate for the month of Apr, Jun, Sep, and Nov the system is accepting till 31
5. For the month of February the system accept only till 28 for non leap years and till 29 for the leap year
6. Validating the year field by leaving the field empty, and validate what is the default year it is displayed
Negative Scenarios:
1. Entering values more than 12 for the Months.
2. Entering values more than 31 for the dates.
3. Entering values more than 29 for february month
4. Leaving the date, month and year field empty and checks how the system reacts for the input
5. Entering 31 days for the months which has only 30 days.
[QUOTE=sachin_prasi;22244]how to write test case for date function and what is the format of writing it?
hi answer plz?
Hi Sonalisa,
Can you please expend your question detail?
Senthil kumar Venu
The above example is quite elaborate. Gives a good idea.