In real life can we just use record and playback feature of the automation tool and do thorough testing of a simple intranet web application or do we need to do some scripting?
NOTE: [This question was asked by cool_2006]
In real life can we just use record and playback feature of the automation tool and do thorough testing of a simple intranet web application or do we need to do some scripting?
NOTE: [This question was asked by cool_2006]
it depends on the web application being tested
Yes, we need scripting.It's not so that you record and play the script.
There will always problems like time synchronization, object not recognize etc.
Brijesh Jain
Connect with me on Skype: jainbrijesh
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Yes, we need to have script knowledge for automation... Just record and playback wont work for every scenario..
Narin Kamuni