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Thread: How do QTP access the cell values in an excel file located in QC.

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    How do QTP access the cell values in an excel file located in QC.


    Is it possible to retrieve cell value directly from .xls file located in Quality Center using QTP. I do not want to import the excel file rather need to fetch the cell values directly. e.g

    Set objexl = Createobject ("Excel.Application")
    set wbook = "path of excel file"
    set wsheet = objexl.worksheets(1)


    This code will fetch the cell(1,2) value, when i access local excel sheet ie. located at a given path in my system.

    Now the scenario is that the excel file is located in QC and i need to fetch the cell values in a same way as above using QTP.

    Please note i don't need to import an excel file from QC.


  2. #2

    Re: How do QTP access the cell values in an excel file located in QC.

    I have never tried what you have mentioned here, however, there is a way to retrieve the attachment and I can help you with that. You can get the specified data from that file after the attachment has been downloaded. I haven't yet felt the need to try it though; I like to keep things pretty simple.. let me know..

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