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Thread: wt are registry objects in qtp

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    wt are registry objects in qtp

    wt are registry objects in qtp

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Re: wt are registry objects in qtp

    For example:

    We have a object in our repository for one of the components which reads a pop-up our application will generate. Under normal conditions, QTP reads this popup as a window and will successfully interact with the buttons on the page. However this morning, QTP read that object as nothing but a "WinObject : Internet Explorer_Server" object. This of course meant that it could not "see" the buttons on this page or interact with them in any way shape or form. Now I tried the "reboot and try again" method to see if that would help; alas it did not. So after struggling with this, I decided to take the sledgehammer approach to attempt a fix to this problem. This entailed running two .bat files that Mercury includes with the installation of QTP which will reregister QTP's components and dlls with Window's registry. Apparently this "Alzheimer's" issue is so common with QTP that Mercury takes the liberty in providing these .bats as a standard part of the install. I ran these scripts and PRESTO QTP suddenly could see this window and all the child objects on it. So I ask you, Why on earth does QTP have to be reregistered with such frequency that Mercury gives you these tools with the install????

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