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Thread: QTP and User Access Controls (UAC)

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    May 2007

    Question QTP and User Access Controls (UAC)

    Hello! I am trying to solve a problem involving QTP and Windows Vista. I have a large number of testcases that require changing the UAC settings and then testing an application while logging in as a Standard User, Elevated Administrator, or Built-in Administrator. I haven't found a way to handle the UAC popup dialogs with QTP, other than to simply disable UAC entirely.

    If anyone has any idea how to test under these conditions I would love to hear it. Any approach, or hack, that gets the job done would be welcome.

  2. #2

    Re: QTP and User Access Controls (UAC)

    I haven't tried this one yet. Might be interesting.. However, from the looks of it, I think that the only way of handling it is by disabling UAC completely.

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