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Thread: Descriptive OR Reader & DOR Parser

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2007

    Descriptive OR Reader & DOR Parser

    Recently i came through about something called as descriptive or reader and dor parser can some one explain what are they? do they mean the same thing? i know it's concerned with xml repository, can you an overview on their use? thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Re: Descriptive OR Reader & DOR Parser

    descriptive programming in QTP means when there is no
    object in object repository for that object wehave to write
    decriptive programming to add the properties of the object
    which is not there in the oblect repository.
    you can describe an objectdirectly in a test statementby
    specifying property:= value pairs describing the object
    insted of specifying an object's logical name.
    ("propertyname1 :=propertyvalue1","...","propertynamex :=pro

    main disadvantage is the amount of code that goes into the test scripts, code-repetition and maintainability. Descriptive programming using an XML Repository is a concept that allows quicktest scripts to use the reusability of an object repository without having to lose the flexibility of DP.

    The DOR Parser ratifies this concept by providing a hook to connect Quicktest pro with an XML Repository.

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