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Thread: Determine micclass of an object

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    Determine micclass of an object

    How to determine micclass when all you have is the name

    I'd like to know how to determine the micclass (WebEdit, WebList, etc) of an object in the object repository (OR) when all I have is the name of the object itself in IE. I have the browser name and page name, I just need to be able to ask the Local OR what type of object it is.

    I'm putting together a function that I can pass the name of the object into and it will return that object as a variable that I can then pass to all of my other functions making programming a snap. Can anyone out there please offer me a solution for this please? Thanks!

  2. #2

    Re: Determine micclass of an object

    Function getbrowsertitle()
    set sbrowser = description.create()
    sbrowser("micclass").value = "browser"
    set sobj = desktop.childobjects(sbrowser)
    icount = sobj.count
    if (icount <> 0) then
    getbrowsertitle = browser("creationtime:="& icount-1).getroproperty("title")
    end if
    set sbrowser = nothing
    set sobj = nothing
    end function
    jus see how the micclass is used..... I am not providing u the exact solution ...have given u the hints...plz try once......and let me know

  3. #3

    Re: Determine micclass of an object

    I am not sure what you are trying to accomplish with this but in my experience, besides the Browser and the Page, its not a very good scripting approach to identify an object. There might be multiple WebEdits, WebElements, Frames etc. on a page and just using their ClassName identifier won't be sufficient to identify them.

  4. #4

    Re: Determine micclass of an object

    kool........we have several other properties to identify them....
    name/idex can be one of them...
    if index does not work..location can be a solution,,

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