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Thread: Business resilience and continuity

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Business resilience and continuity

    Is business resilience and continuity testing the same as risk management and disaster recovery?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Re: Business resilience and continuity

    The janellis business resilience model the janellis business resilience model is a decentralised model that ensures accountability for risk, readiness and response capability at a functional or business unit level, while providing assurance for the currency and adequacy of the capability at an executive and board level. At a high level, the model looks like this: assurance response readiness risk risk - risk forms the foundation on which all business resilience strategies, priorities and plans are developed. The risk layer is based on enterprise risk management practices and tools that start with establishing the resilience risk appetite of the executive through to risk monitoring and controls. Readiness - readiness brings together the planning, preparations, practitioner training and component testing required across the business resilience spectrum incorporating emergency and crisis management, business continuity, disaster recovery, security, third party dependencies and compliance. Response - response is an organisation wide capability to respond swiftly and effectively in the moment. See janellis crisis management for some more information on part of this process. A consistent and coordinated response capability across an organisation often increases the risk appetite of the business and can lead to opportunities in new (and potentially riskier) markets. Assurance - assurance gives the directors, board and senior management the comfort and confidence to be sure their capability is current, adequate and appropriate for the changing risk profile of the organisation. An effective assurance program provides executives with visibility of current and potential risks, the opportunity to review the risk appetite regularly and be involved in determining how the organisation would respond if they occurred. ©janellis australia pty ltd 2007 for an example of the model in more detail, please click here: benefits î provides a greater understanding of risk across an enterprise and visibility of all risks at an executive level î sets appetite for risk at the appropriate level and a manageable accountability at ceo level î prevents duplicate strategies for managing the same risks across organisational or functional silos î provides flexibility to bounce back stronger and smarter in an ever changing risk environment, recovering faster and stronger from critical incidents î allows an organisation to continue to deliver critical services in times of crisis î minimises the risk and impact of situations by early recognition of crises î delivers competitive advantage through effective and efficient response processes and continuity strategies building your business resilience the first vital steps in developing resilience are taken during a visionscope phase, conducted by janellis. The visionscope can take several days to several weeks depending on the size and complexity of the business. The key steps in the business resilience visionscope include: 1) establishing the business resilience vision and strategy aligned to executive level expectations; 2) identifying the areas of excellence within the business already and defining the competency and capability gaps; and 3) adapting the business resilience model to your organisation to ensure the flexibility to adapt to change, reflect existing capability and also address capability gaps.

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