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Thread: Peoplesoft application dynamic grids

  1. #1

    Peoplesoft application dynamic grids

    I am using the peoplesoft application. I am trying to record a script on a page where in there are some dynamic grids getting populated for each employee. The problem is while recording, it captures the grid coordinates also and it won't be same for every employee. For eg empl A would have options 1,2,3 in the first, second and third grid. Empl B would have only option 2 and 3 in which case only first and second grid would appear.

    So QTP records the coordinates of option 1 as in first grid and so on for empl A. This won't work because empl B has option 2 in first grid.
    Is there any way where we can overcome this?

    Pls help

    Question asked by visitor ramky

  2. #2
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: Peoplesoft application dynamic grids

    Can you please check options from page property

  3. #3
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: Peoplesoft application dynamic grids

    Can you please check options from page properties for display adjustments?

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