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Thread: testing situation

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Thumbs up testing situation


    am preetha working as a test engineer. i have 1 year experience in testing...

    kindly provide ur answer for the following situation...

    Assume you should release your project by tommorow.
    But you are finding a critical by today. project manager is not giving permission to raise that..and should not voluntarily go and ask the developer to fix that bug..

    3.and you can't say as a QC I can't Release it..

    4.should not ask more time to release it..

    You have convince your this situation how do you convince your PM...

  2. #2

    Thumbs up Re: testing situation

    In this case you can release the software with a point in the release notes saying that due to blocking defects there are certain areas in which the validation has not been done. The blocked defect will be fixed before the next version of the application, and during the execution of next version or build you can retest the blocked areas.

    The release note or test summary report will have a column saying what is the RAG factor for the application and the module that has been tested (i.e., R-Red, A-Amber, G-Green). You can fix the RAG factor by following criterias:
    If RAG factor should be Green then
    Coverage > 95%
    Defect Reopen 85%
    Fail Rate < 15%

    In this case due to the blocked defect you would not have tested that particular module, so you can put RAG factor as Red and QA sign-off status as No. Then it will be assigned in the forthcoming version to test.

    Hope this would have helped you.

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