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Thread: EXP 00056 Oracle Error 1033

  1. #1

    EXP 00056 Oracle Error 1033

    EXP - 00056 oracle error 1033 encounter
    ORA - 01033 - Oracle initialization or shut down in progress

    Most of the time we are facing the above error will you please guide us why this error occurs what is the status quo of this oracle error what step should we follow to overcome this issue ( error )

    Question asked by visitor abha s joshi

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2007

    Re: EXP 00056 Oracle Error 1033

    ORA-01033: ORACLE initialization or shutdown in progress
    Cause: An attempt was made to log on while Oracle is being started up or shutdown.
    Action: Wait a few minutes. Then retry the operation.

    It means exactly that - the database is starting up and not yet ready or it's shutting down and will not allow you to connect. (You won't get this if the listener isn't available.)

    Schedule your export to occur either before the DB shuts down or several minutes after it starts up.

    find here details of export & import

  3. #3
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Re: EXP 00056 Oracle Error 1033

    I have recently encountered the same issue. However, I have been quite patient with the Oracle service (approx 1 hour) and it does not seem to start up on its own

    Fortunately I am only running a local test environment, but I would be pleased to find a solution and not having to re-install Oracle and configure it again.

    I hope there is someone with a solution out there.


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