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Thread: I have a face to face second interview for a finance position

  1. #1

    I have a face to face second interview for a finance position


    I have a face to face second interview for a finance position. This is not a consulting position. This company has outsourced their finance department to Accenture. I am very nervous about it and am wondering if you could help me with some tips for my second interview. Do you know what the format of this round 2 interview will be? The recruiter said it would last approx 2 hours. My email address is awchristler @ yahoo . com


    Question asked by visitor Sara

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2007

    Re: I have a face to face second interview for a finance position

    There is nothing to bother about, if you have the knowledge and the abilities think that the job in your pocket. But i can tell you no interview is going to last 2 hours . One thing is for sure you are feel nervous before facing the real interview think that half the battle is lost. You need to prepare well and stay calm and play your self in front of the interviewer.

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