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Thread: Restrictions while using Level in COBOL

  1. #1
    Contributing Member
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    Jul 2006

    Restrictions while using Level in COBOL

    I want to know when using level 77 and level 88 what are the things one has to consider or in other words the restrictions that Cobol programmers have while using level 77 and level 88.

  2. #2
    Contributing Member
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    May 2006

    Re: Restrictions while using Level in COBOL

    The level-numbers of the subject of the REDEFINES clause and other-data-item must be the same. However, they cannot be either 66 or 88.
    The OCCURS clause cannot appear in the description of a level 77 data name.
    Level 77 is used for individual elementary items that are not part of a group. Generally a level 77 item is the same as a level 01 that describes an elementary item. Level 88 is used for condition names.

  3. #3

    Re: Restrictions while using Level in COBOL

    Quote Originally Posted by sripri View Post
    I want to know when using level 77 and level 88 what are the things one has to consider or in other words the restrictions that Cobol programmers have while using level 77 and level 88.
    77 level - should not use for group level and use only for individual level
    88 - conditional names

  4. #4
    Junior Member
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    Apr 2010

    Re: Restrictions while using Level in COBOL

    The level numbers 01 through 49 are general level numbers but there are also special level numbers such as 66, 77 and 88.

    Level 77's can only be used to define individual elementary items. Level number 77 means that the variable is not connected to other variables too.

    Level 88's are used to define symbolic condition Names.

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