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Thread: Whats Torture testing

  1. #1

    Whats Torture testing


    Does anyone know about Torture testing??

    Can someone help me or guide me for the same please.



  2. #2
    Expert Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    Re: Whats Torture testing


    Here is the fact of Torture testing

    A test of a system under abnormal conditions such as extreme heat or cold. A computer may be kept running for weeks on end using software that causes the CPU chip to run at its maximum (most number of transistors switching all the time). A laptop may be dropped over and over from different heights to determine its ruggedness. The term may be occasionally used with testing software, but it mostly refers to hardware because plastic, glass, metal and semiconductor materials have physical limitations.

    Hope you got relevant details on torture testing.


  3. #3
    Contributing Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Re: Whats Torture testing

    As the words suggest it means going on extreme to get anything fail or broken:

    Lets take an example of webserver you can perform Torture testing on a webserver by sending servers increasing amounts of random data at increasingly shorter intervals until they either crashed or slowed to the point of unusability.
    Sp this is another name for doing a stress testing but being more cruel ...


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